2024-25 HiCap Parents Council
Arrowhead EAP Rep
Jenine Fisher, jenine.fisher@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Ashley Watts, wattsashleyn@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Board Vice President
Hollywood Hill EAP Rep
Northshore Middle School Rep
Elizabeth Camper, elizabethcamperx@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Woodinville High School Rep
Terri Kashi, terri@thekashis.com (2 years remaining)

Inglemoor High School Representative
Imen Elloumi-Hannachi, imen.hannachi@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
These positions did not have any nominations. If a candidate comes forward, we can appoint them to a one year term with a vote at a regular hicap council meeting.
Fernwood Elementary HiCap Rep
Seshe Sai Sudhakar Delhi Venkata, delhivenkata@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Frank Love EAP Rep
Maired Okon, maired.droney@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Aishwarya Sriraj, asriraj@outlook.com (1 year remaining)
Kenmore Elementary EAP Rep
Stacey Bernethy, staceybernethy@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Kokanee EAP Rep
Allen Tsao, allent@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Stacey Bernethy, staceybernethy@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Kokanee EAP Rep
Allen Tsao, allent@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Lockwood EAP Rep
Jen Carr, jennifer.jennings@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Ruby Bridges EAP Rep
Nikhat Rasheed, nikhat.rasheed@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Shelton View EAP Rep
Jenny Zhi, lanzhi617@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Wellington EAP Rep
Holly Muenchow, holly.a.muenchow@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Westhill EAP Rep
Hong Zhu, zhuhong@uw.edu (2 years remaining)
Elementary Regional Rep - North Creek Feeder Pattern
Ekta Choudhari, ekta@choudharifamily.com (1 year remaining)
Ekta Choudhari, ekta@choudharifamily.com (1 year remaining)
Elementary Regional Rep - Woodinville Feeder Pattern
Kiranmayee Mullapudi, narik.k@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Kiranmayee Mullapudi, narik.k@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Canyon Park Middle School Rep
Faustine Wilkey, faustinewilkey@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Kenmore Middle School Rep
Elizabeth Camper, elizabethcamperx@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Skyview Middle School Rep
Sean Qu, sean.qu@hotmail.com (1 year remaining)
Timbercrest Middle School Rep
Elizabeth Rampson, elizabeth.g.rampson@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Sean Qu, sean.qu@hotmail.com (1 year remaining)
Timbercrest Middle School Rep
Elizabeth Rampson, elizabeth.g.rampson@gmail.com (2 years remaining)
Woodinville High School Rep
Terri Kashi, terri@thekashis.com (2 years remaining)

Inglemoor High School Representative
Imen Elloumi-Hannachi, imen.hannachi@gmail.com (1 year remaining)
Bear Creek Campus Representative (Northshore Virtual Program, Northshore Family Partnership, Northshore Networks)
Jaimee Clark, jaimeeclark@yahoo.com (1 year remaining)
Members At Large
Lyn Trier - Treasurer, lyntrier@gmail.com
These positions did not have any nominations. If a candidate comes forward, we can appoint them to a one year term with a vote at a regular hicap council meeting.
East Ridge EAP Rep
Moorlands EAP Rep
Elementary Regional Rep - Inglemoor Feeder Pattern
Elementary Regional Rep - Bothell Feeder Pattern
Leota Middle School Rep
Choice HS Representative (Innovation Lab HS, Secondary Academy for Success)