HiCap Parents Council
February Meeting
Virtual Meeting
02/04/2025 - 10 AM - 11 AM
Note: meeting moved exclusively to zoom due to late start for snow, and cut short since many had to leave around 11 to get elementary kids to school.
In Person Attendance: None
In Person Late: None
Zoom Meeting Attendance: Liz P, Carson, Amity, Jen C, Ashley, Jenine, Allen, Angie, Elizabeth, Mairead, Hong, Imen
Zoom Late: Holly, Terra
Secretary: Liz P.
Zoom Liaison:
Next meeting date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Math Pathways Presentation
Amity review presentation. Items included: pathways map, tutoring, college, timing of course selection, summer courses, transcripts, off-ramps
Question: If students repeat classes, will they be able to replace the old grade on the transcript (rather than both being seen)? Amity to investigate
Amity has reviewed our HiCap document on Math pathways and it can be sent out
Questions remain about Inglemoor and how to accurately describe the pathways and transition there
Recent positive meeting with second grade teachers with Amity.
Teachers need to do a better to communicating to their parents about the differentiation that is happening
When parents ask questions about ELA differentiation, direct them to talk to teachers first. After that, talk to school principal.
There is a lack of visibility. Math has a walk to model, parents can SEE the differentiation.
Is it actually just visibility? Or is the differentiation not happening?
Reports: Jen C is in the classroom for ELA. There is no differentiation. She has spoken to teacher. Ashley W. also reports that clustered students meet once/week and receive an additional worksheet.
District is providing professional development. They are not going to prescribe specific classroom expectations around frequency, for example.
Skyview Middle School
Middle School Task Force: Make sure your children respond to survey
Skyview being encouraged to host a meeting to communicate to their parents
Wellington losing walk-to-math
There are no formal HiCap services at Wellington. Teachers were trying to juggle this.
The principal is doing his best and working with Amity & Rep Holly about steps forward
Council Questions/Updates
Action Items
Liz P will start an email chain with Elementary Reps to discuss ELA. What are the experiences? What are the questions we should be asking teachers? What should we then ask principals?
Budget / Superintendent discussion to continue via email
Ashley will work on email with updated math path doc, plus share to Facebook.
Next month Agenda/Meeting
November working groups and items
Coffee/community meeting