HiCap Parents Council
January Meeting
District Office
01/07/2025 - 10 AM - 12 Noon
In Person Attendance: Amity, Elizabeth, Angie, Ashley, Jan, Mairead, Allen, Hong,
In Person Late: Liz P., Carson
Zoom Meeting Attendance: Terra, Beth R., Terri, Holly, Veronica, Nikhat, Terra, Imen
Zoom Late: Elisa,
Secretary: Liz P.
Zoom Liaison: Mairead
Next meeting date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Gender disparity in HiCap
NSD Data
About 400 more boys district-wide single and dual qualification
Dual qualified: about 200 difference district-wide
Single qualified ELA: more female (662 female, 307 male)
Single qualified math: more male (906 male, 447 female)
Before universal screening, it was noticed that boys may have been tested more and first born tested more
It will be interesting to see data/results after the adoption of the new math assessment test (when prep is more difficult)
Math discussion
Webinar style discussion coming for parents to discuss math pathways; some schools may also be offering conversation – end of January & beginning of February
Topics we are hoping to see: what are the choices, right time to make choice (May/June before 6th grade [or earlier]), how the choice now affects paths/choices through high school, how does MS selection affect transcripts for college (P/F vs grade), is choosing a double acceleration a failing?, how to make a good choice (talk to teachers, consider future career interests, etc.), off-ramps later (repeating, stats, etc.), what the rigor is going to be (coming from elementary and going to HS essentially), late-qualifiers to math (what can families do?)
Please communicate to all 5th grade teachers to share this information with their students
Note: The two above points were sent to Amity as she had to leave meeting early
NSD creating new workbooks for elementary teachers
Hot topic nationally. Ex. Are students ready for algebra in eighth grade (Minnesota has been doing this for years, for example)?
Timbercrest: Rep (Beth) feels like opening the door to feedback was like a dam broke. Many parents, children, and teachers feel the jump is too much.
How can we change messaging into choosing a level? Rather than a saying they have dropped back
Skyview has similar issues
Schedules for incoming 6th graders are still being done in May and June so parents can modify selection (according to Amity); it does indeed become more difficult in September
Be careful with using the word JUMP for math. There is no jump (unless a child is joining the program after 2nd grade); Math curriculum is a spiral and progressive. We are not jumping over these items.
Skyview update
They think their model for science is great and has raised the bar for all kids
Lots of conversations about how to measure the success of the program (I-Ready or something else?)
They use the terms mild, medium, and spicy - Amity has asked students to report how they discuss this with their parents
NSD Middleschool Task Force
Three working topic areas: PD, ND, Socio-emotional
Sometimes our program feels like an accelerated math program (rather than a way to provide basic education to gifted children)
AAP - Advanced Academic Program
Math is acceleration, not enrichment
Social studies, science, and English - hicap kids will be with hicap kids. It won’t be different curriculum, but may include enrichment through some use of additional documents, reading an extra book, etc.
Skyview 6th grade does not do it
It feels like middle schools don’t understand what it means to be a hicap kid and their unique needs
Council Questions/Updates
Meet and greet with families
The one that happened, mainly stay at home parents attended
There was nothing new for the reps (in terms of the discussion and issues)
Could be a good replacement for playdates
Issue of late-qualifiers came up; questions around testing, issues around professional development and class sizes
Could clarify the position of the Council
Next event: Tentatively March 3 - Maybe Woodinville Library? Might be earlier based on dates of registration
Action Items
ASHLEY will share council Google doc of math pathways. A
ALL: Offer suggestions for the math pathways document (would love a TL; DR and subject headings)
ELEMENTARY REPS: Promote the math webinars! Post on FB, send to 5th grade teachers, etc. Point families this first to webinar, then to HiCap page, then to teachers.
MIDDLE SCHOOL REPS: Please find out when your school is doing registration for incoming 6th graders and share with council
Timbercrest: March 20 is intro, March 25th selection forms due
ELISA will consider booking a meet and greet session AFTER the Math webinar but before registration forms are due (based on the dates). Possible location is Woodinville Library.
Next month Agenda/Meeting
November working groups and items