Items to discuss
- Coverage at Jr. High info nights
- Will JH counselors be coming into elementary to register kids before info nights?
- Transportation
- How to get info about Talk nights into hands of teachers, parents and students
- Changes to testing?
Update on Meeting on 9-16 with HiCap Admins
Update on NSD HiCap info night
- HiCap Parent council rep to talk at end of night and all will be there after for questions
- Wear nametags with which school you represent
- NSD will bring flyers
Update on neighboring district programs - changes to LWSD
Update on HiCap in Classroom
- based on data collected program hasn't started yet this year
- Plan to parents by November conferences but teachers should be starting earlier
- Parents frustrated since they do not know who to contact in District for questions
Canyon Park Status
- No Set curriculum between AAP Schools
- Clubs are parent dependent
- Curriculum night - unclear what AAP strategies are being used
6th Grade Middle School Next year
- Elective Wheel
- AAP for Core classes in AAP Schools
- "Challenge for All" for all others
info nights
- Jr. High Representatives will be at their schools
- gather questions from parents
- Feeder Patterns? Need chart from District...asked and waiting on answer
- Transportation?
- Difference between AAP and Challenge
- 6th grade math and the Math Path
- AAP info night at Canyon Park...are other schools having one?
Panel for AAP parents and students "What's AAP really like?" - October 12th
Do we do a panel for Challenge "What's challenge really like?"
- Motion to do panel
- Take a vote: Yes = 6, No=3, Abstain = 2
- Motion carried
Alternative suggestion for Challenge flyer instead of panel
- quotes from parents and students who've taken Challenge classes
- New motion for flyer instead of panel
- Take a vote: passed unanimously
- Angie Y will head up flyer creation
We will offer the colorful math path graphic to District HiCap Admins
- Admins declined our graphic and will use ones they have created instead
Reps at 7th grade info nights will talk about AAP and hand out Challenge flyer
Reps for 6th grade info night will talk about AAP since there is no Challenge for 6th grade
Talk series
- Dyslexia
- Vision processing
- Sensory Processing
- Canyon Park - transportation is better
- Canyon park -> Canyon Creek
- kids who need transport now have it at CP