Friday, November 3, 2023

Minutes from 9/19/23 Meeting


HiCap Parents Council

September Meeting

District Office

9/19/2023 - 10 AM - 12 Noon


In Person Attendance: Carson S, Katie M, Becky D., Ashley W., Lynn D., Lyn T., Holly M., Amity B., Elizabeth W., Angie M., Jen C., Jennifer S.,


Zoom Meeting Attendance: ________


Podcast Suggestion & Discussion -

     Carson - “No one should have to mask. And everyone should have an appropriate level of challenge for them.” This is an invitation to consider your why for joining the council.

     Discussion of perfectionism, the intersection with giftedness, and its avoidant side (ex. I’m not going to try because the outcome will not be what I want).

     This perspective is a shift for classroom teachers because so much focus is classroom management; how can teachers stretch accommodation now that rooms are more integrated?

     Not only do we need to work with teachers, but also with parents.

     Feedback received: Feels like EAP is a math acceleration program.

Amity Updates

     Kindergarten - Screening has traditionally been done, but (1) the children identified as potentially Hicap are then not receiving services and (2) they must be tested again in first grade to receive Hicap Designation and be eligible for services. Kindergarten students will no longer be given the Naglieri this year. First grade will be administered universally.

     How will screening referral process be? Every kid is 1 and 5th grade is screened, along with any kid that moves into the district 1-7. Refer to website 2-4 graders and older kids. Anyone can refer for those K (now), 2,3, 4, 6 and 7th graders (parents, teachers, friends, and adults).


     Training for elementary teachers

     Training for teachers is now mandated for teachers who have integrated classrooms. Some is direct (live or watching video), some is done by lead teachers at each school being trained and bringing it back to their teacher peers.

     Emily Kircher-Morris training in the summer was great and well received by teachers. About 100 for elementary level, and about 25 for older years. Her podcast is excellent.

     Amity’s office will check to see if HiCap Council can have access to this content. She has lots of free content available as well:


     NSD HiCap Website is currently being updated.


     Proctors: Request is out for new testing proctors. Many from HiCap Council serve. Referrals are also coming in.


     Integration update:

     Elementary level where schools have integrated: First place for anxious parents to start is with the teacher. Third grade is likely to be the most difficult transition point with Hicap students that are now integrated.

     Elementary schools where integration has not happened yet: It is planned to come to every school. It will likely start with 2nd or 3rd graders, but current students in EAP will continue moving through with EAP. Amity is willing to come out and speak at schools. Amity will be speaking at Hollywood Hill in November.

     Middle school: Decisions about integration are still ongoing. Current change is that classes have not been backfilled, so class sizes are variable and some students are unhappy.


     Data Plan: Kids in integrated classroom versus kids in separate classrooms. They are looking for growth over time. Additionally, all different kids will be pulled in for data.

     HiCap can help by providing information from the survey we created. Also, Amity may request help in creating parent surveys/distribution.


     Math Progression

     5th grade transitioning into 6th grade is where people have a choice. After this, your student is on a path through high school. A good question is, “Where do you want them to be as a senior?” Once you hit high school, there are very limited off ramps.

     Check out Pathway Flow Charts, not only for Middle School, but for High School:

     Note: Question about HS Science progression. This is not as strict. There are occasional prerequisites for a course (typically math or a traditional version of a science before the AP version); check your children’s associated high school course catalogue.



     Will continue to be 3 times per year for testing. This is valuable data for the district. The teacher should not continue using it for curriculum once the child tops out. It tops out in 8th grade.

     Summer work in high school

     Varies school to school. No consistency.

     Suggestion: Get together with members of council in your cohort and have smaller conversations. If something is or isn’t working in your school, when you learn what happens in others, it can make you a stronger advocate.


Additional Discussion


     Turn in receipts to Lyn T.

     Parking was an issue for some schools, so something to consider.

     Have them as early in the summer as possible to avoid smoke and to ease children’s stress, fear, and anxiety about new schools.

     In March or so, we will need to inquire about facilities fees and see if we can continue hosting at school.

     Relevance of playdates going forward is in question as integration continues. Might be regional playdates instead, etc.