Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Minutes from 5/7/24 Meeting

HiCap Parents Council Meeting

May 7, 2024

Discussion topic

  • Emily Kircher Morris podcast- This particular podcast seemed focused on getting buy-in from teachers and encouraging them that they can do it a little bit at a time. The podcast itself was surface-level in terms of details on UDL (universal design for learning). 

  • Can be tricky to challenge hicap kids–how to motivate them to push themselves? Are they going for the grade? Diving deep on a topic because they love it?

  • Most transformative part of UDL is the “free-form” accommodations (use any material, demonstrate mastery in any way, etc.) BUT this is very difficult for a teacher to pull off. Tough to have all these materials readily available. 

  • Helpful for 2E kids, esp those who don’t have a diagnosis. This is an equity issue since not all kids who need a 504/IEP will ever get one. 

  • NSD does this better than we sometimes think: 1:1 devices, tech in the classroom, sound systems in every classroom. District is working on policies surrounding things like AI, etc. 

Amity updates

  • No WAETAG this year, but NAGC will be in Seattle Nov 21-24! They have a parent day on Saturday 11/23. $50 for the entire day. There will be opportunities for parent volunteers-volunteer by manning a table for half the day, and go to the conference for the other half day. 

  • MHS testing: will have to check and make sure iPad data gets recorded properly even if the device sleeps. Naglieri does not seem to have provision for giving a test one grade ahead. Had some small test administration issues–iPads lock after only 2 mins, would be good if we could force through the 5 minute wait, would be nice if there was a kiosk app or if the screen locked on the test. 

    • Angie checked–all 14 1st graders from FLE had scores submitted so the 2 minute time out did not appear to lose any data. 

  • MHS verbal: attempting to test thinking/reasoning skills, not reading. Some of the pictures did have cultural background knowledge required. For the remaining pilot test sessions we will try to pilot the quantitative and nonverbal, instead of quantitative and verbal. 

Middle school update-Skyview request to change AAP classes for science and social studies

  • Skyview teachers have adjusted their briefing paper. It will go through one more edit and then go to the superintendent. 

  • Whatever happens, we need to be prepared to work with the model and address concerns respectfully. We will do better to listen to all sides. 

  • Detracking and equitable identification of hicap are working from the same foundational principle: kids are capable of more than we think, if we can figure out how to remove their “ceiling”

  • If NSD allows Skyview to change models, other middle schools will likely follow. 

Looking ahead

  • Next year Amity will be executive director of teaching and learning with responsibilities to oversee HiCap, curriculum and instruction, MTSS, career and technical education, ELD, assessment, instructional technology. She will no longer have a regional assignment. Regional assignments have been consolidated to two: one for south and west, one for east and north, and one doing all the high schools. 

High school math

  • 112 10th or 11th graders (mostly 11th graders) will be in calc BC across the districts (minus IHS since they have a different structure with IB)

  • College credit may not actually be that valuable at this level. Many future STEM majors will have to retake anyway. Better to offer the challenge rather than holding back because we can’t figure our a way to get them college credit. 

End of year data

  • 65 students have responded to the senior survey, almost double the total from last year!

  • Elections will open tomorrow. Last chance to inform Carson if you want to finish out your two year term but have not yet updated the spreadsheet. 

  • Maybe schools that still pull families from outside their boundaries could still host a playdate council sponsored playdate, and the council could also do four regional playdates. We would need volunteers to spearhead these regional playdates.