February 6, 2024
Discussion Topic-Polyvagal Theory
- The theory of Dr. Stephen Porges; role of the vagus nerve in emotion regulation, social connection and fear response
- Human brain constantly scanning environment for safety
- feeling unsafe-fight or flight
- continuous unsafe environment, move down the ladder,
- autistic meltdown would be a good example of a shutdown response; or some sort of major kid tantrum; you can tell they are no longer processing the world around them
- teachers working with 1 or more students with sensory issues, CPI training
- neurodiversity affirming environment
Amity Updates-
- Glitches with testing companies; looking at new options
- Getting close to finishing with testing; should be done by the end of the week
- If students missed 2x, they might need to come to us, reach out to us
- Unenrolled students testing 1/25, 1/30
- EAP “shopping”, applying/transferring to a different site. You can apply, however it might not be approved
- Accept designation/location by 2/28
- Can’t give schools more staffing if they get extra kids
- Q-How do parents know if student was tested or need to do makeup? – Schools should be telling parents when testing will be happening.
- Office manager, secretary, Principal, and Assistant Principal all get notified of testing dates/times
- Regional mtgs- taking place in the NSD boardroom, new to Elem. HiCap families
- 2/6 East
- 2/7 South
- 2/13 North
- 2/15 West
- Emily Kircher-Morris: Amity reached out to her last week; have her come via Zoom; advertise to parents; occur this spring
- NAGC Conf. in Seattle next year, Nov 21-24 ‘24
Council Questions/Updates-
- “10 Reasons to Choose EAP” document:we should revise now
- Make a Google doc so we are able to edit and contribute
- Updates to reading/writing in integrated classrooms?- some classrooms are fabulous, others are working through it; there is a training on 2/27
- Grading for elementary integrated ELA: grading at grade level
- Sharing math choices document: shared on website; January email; give to 5th grade teachers; Amity to give to (5th grade) teachers