- Parent night 6:30-7:30 in Bothell performing center
- Will be recorded with chapters to look at particular parts
- Posted in a week or 2
- Translation in real time
- Help families find the email in trash/junk mail. Friday everyone should have heard from HiCap. Some got one a month ago
- Signatures: not printing out signatures, links in email to give consent then a backup phone call to confirm if they haven’t heard from them. Spanish speaking people in ELL department to call for Spanish speaking families
- Torrence is $20 per student, so to save costs they will move some students on without some of the tests
- 85th – 94th percentile is what Dr. Ford suggested. Above 95th percentile follows NSD traditional cutoffs for HiCap services
- See chart for specifics on how each child’s scores will be used
- 85-94 = K gets Torrence for Holistic, 1-7 Torrence and ITBS, 8 Torrence only
- 95-99
- K = Immediate Holistic services with no additional tests
- 1-3 = Torrence and ITBS (Math for all, Reading as well for those not IRR 2 grades above grade level)
- 4-7 = If SBA in top half of Level 4 SBA in either or both content area offer services, take ITBS for any that aren’t in level 4, Torrence for those who don’t qualify immediately by SBA scores
- 8 = if SBA in top half of Level 4 SBA in either or both content area offer services, Torrence for those who don’t qualify by SBA
- Did not qualify: not getting scores in letter, can email to request scores = not until feb 26th
- Next year there will be an online system to get DNQ scores faster
- ITBS and Torrence can be administered in Spanish if needed
- Single content students can retest every year in other content area
- All families will get letters today if they qualify and will get scores
- Need to educate families and parents that a low score is not indicative of the child’s potential in school. One test on one day isn’t a statement about their ability to be successful.
- Current EAP/AAP kids will not get results until they request it
- We will get analysis of current kids scores in an aggregated form
- K will start assessment Feb 12th – just Torrence about 30 minutes 250 Kids across 20 elems
- Start with middle schools after K
- Hope to finish in March – have 10 proctors to test 3000 kids (3/15/2018 - updated to say finish in May)
- Could have half of testers quality - 1500 qualify which would double program (1700 currently)
- Some buildings may have enough qualify that they transition gen ed classrooms to EAP classrooms since the kids are already there.
- Survey results
- Kids generally satisfied
- Ela and Social studies have more dissatisfaction due to AAP->Gen ed in those with what’s available
- Each high school different
- Bothell uses Edmonds CC for CHS, doesn’t have many AP classes for younger grades
- WHS uses UW Cascadia for CHS, has lots of AP and can take them earlier
- Inglemoore have IB, but problem with 10th grade, not old enough for ib but not AP available
- Pre-AP and Pre-IB are like a step backwards for many AAP kids
- Surprised at number of older kids in their class
- Abrupt change from JR high to high school: HS doesn’t allow retakes in some classes, jr high did. Not growth mindset
- Jen says she’s given guidance to buildings to put kid in appropriate classes regardless of Hicap designation
- Can we have a designated hicap counselor at each high school?
- Need executive function help with these kids
- Some would like to have the AAP cohort stay together
- Can the district distribute the survey to all Hicap 9th and 10th kids to increase numbers of respondents
- Put link to survey on our website with bold graphic or something to catch their eye
- Put 2017 satisfaction survey on website, too
- Teaching in discipline they have their degree in
- Openminded toward gifted population with 2E
- Education around how a child can be designated as hiCap
- Understand Social emotional needs of hicap – teachers and counselors
- Open to hicap training, take PD, Ongoing PD especially for Gen Ed teachers turning into HiCap Teachers.
- Compress curriculum Recognizing pace is important to hiCap kids. Let kids direct the pace and compacting of curriculum per their needs
- Open to more than one way to get the answer. Kids think in a different way, not necessarily use the procedures taught in class. If they get the concept let them dictate how
- Fine isn’t good enough for hicap kids. Conversation on potential disability if kids aren’t functioning at their potential
- Assess potential. Every kid should experience enough challenge that it’s visible. Develop grit
- Competition isn’t a good motivator for this group. Perfectionist tendencies
- Don’t use these kids as teachers for other children
- Instead of memorization, have critical thinking skills
- Need to teach study skills and exec function
- Open to current brain research
- Less repetition and more project based learning
- Have previous experience with hicap kids – have hicap kids, were a hicap kid, taught hicap kids
- Teachers of color, diverse culture and experience.
- Cultural Competency training
- May have to rethink middle school teaching models. Have hicap teacher teach 6,7,8 hicap rather than one grade of hicap, challenge and gen ed per teacher.
- Knowledge in math above grade level they are teaching
- Empathy and patience