Monday, June 24, 2019

Welcome your newly elected 2019/2020 Council Members

Your new elected HiCap Representatives are:

Bear Creek EAP: Jasmine Fry

Sunrise EAP: Norma Rodriguez

Lockwood EAP: Carson Sanderson

Wellington EAP: Jennifer Reagan

Woodmoor EAP: Jennifer Sherer

Fernwood EAP: Yongqiang Li

Shelton View EAP: Steven Rubenstein

Leota MS: Karen Grieser

Timbercrest MS: Patrick Kozel

Kenmore MS: ** Open **

Bothell HS: Myriam Juritz

Woodinville HS: Austina DeBonte

North Creek HS: ** Open **

Inglemoor HS: Brenae Brix

North Creek Regional: Sreeni Gorthi

Bothell Regional: Bonnie Plottner

EAP Feeder Pattern for Newly Qualified Students 2019/2020

Friday, June 14, 2019

Minutes from 6/11/2019 Meeting

6/11/2019 Hicap meeting

Jen’s last day is June 25th, Suriya will help with transition. Tolley will be the supervisor over new hire.

Hicap dept won’t be making decisions in July and maybe August as new person will need to be getting up to speed.

Suriya will answer phones and email, but decision making won’t happen in July until new hire is settled.


  • Qualification 2.0 – added 175 kids to EAP sites. 550 total added in 2.0. 8 schools with 30 classrooms. 2400 newly qualified kids total in 1.0 and 2.0 single and dual 1-7 grades.
  • Sites will go live today (Bear creek (kokanee/wellington removed), Sunrise (2/3, 5), Woodmoor (rollup, 4, 5), Moorlands (4 classrooms and growing, 2,3,4,5), Lockwood (no new kids), Fernwood (neighborhood kids only), Wellington (kokanee/wellington added, 3 classrooms), Shelton View (2 classrooms of Shelton view, Kenmore lockwood))
  • 1.0 and thought you know, or 2.0 and waiting, everyone should look at the website (programs and services, elementary, eap) with chart to where kid is placed. 1.0 and 2.0 newly existing families will get robocall today.
  • Waiver process
    • New qualifier and prefer a new EAP site – Reviewed in August
    • Existing family who wants to move to a newly formed site (maybe home school) – Reviewed in August – moving to home school has priority over others
    • Email Jen and principal to do this, not a waiver : Family who declined services at another school, but now their home school has a site, may want to take the spot in their home school.
    • If families don’t want to take the spot based on new feeder pattern, they should email to request a change
  • Families who may not look at website to know where they are assigned will receive communication from the newly assigned school.
  • After school Open houses are not going to happen now since everything got pushed out
  • Summer events will not likely be well attended since we don’t have the lists of families new to program
  • Can summer park dates be added in the email from principals to new families? Jen will look into this
  • Transportation process for EAP? Jen will ask
  • Laurie will help with Transportation this summer
  • Info session video is now online – programs and services – elementary – eap
  • Deadline for portfolios for non -enrolled students is June 14th
    • Portfolios submitted After June 14th will be reviewed in August
    • Non enrolled students who are offered placement and turn it down will have it honored for at least one year
  • Hicap math – Minecraft in testing at schools
  • ELL and low income were subgroups. Dr Reid will present this info to the community on how many kids were included in this. State law says schools need to prioritize low income students

Dr Reid:

  • Director of Student Services position posted
  • Need to write the new HiCap position for Jen’s replacement
  • How to make sure the work is distributed appropriately
  • Some philosophical disagreements from Admin to boots on the ground
    • Too many times it’s school specific and teacher specific
    • Regions implementing things differently
  • Sometimes after meetings where you think everyone got it you see later that maybe everyone didn’t get it unless you check in and watch closely what happens
    • Doesn’t hear sometimes until things are off the rails
  • HiCap parents council may be on hiring committee for HiCap director position
  • How can appropriate hicap teachers be hired? Will they be getting PD? Required?
  • Edufest for the summer? Jen says there’s no money, dr Reid will look into this
  • New Pool of HiCap teachers listed on nsd job website
  • Hicap training is for new to NSD teachers…but existing teachers often transition, so they need training as well

Middle school

  • Creating AAP classes in middle school and backfilling with high IOWA kids. Memo was sent and signed
    • All middle schools principals have a letter from Jen to communicate to the families to explain the AAP/Challenge placement
  • Math is different due to math path. Working with counselors to do clustering.
    • Newly identified 5th graders didn’t take the algebra readiness test, so path is 7th grade challenge. Registration will be automatically updated to be challenge 7/8 math. Contact counselor to make changes.
    • Plan working on how to address gaps
  • Looks like there are opportunities to create full AAP classrooms for the most part
  • Can auditing be done before September to see if this happened? Request of the new director
  • Need to get the description for Gen Ed/Challenge/AAP difference. Add this as agenda item


  • State requires 2 data points to move from step 1 to 2. WE don’t have enough info without naglieri and Iowa to do that.
  • Want to reduce testing and make good use of data we have
  • Lower naglieri standard this year, How many got in this year that wouldn’t have gotten in the year before?
  • Need to be made clear to parents that SBA is used for program placement in the future

High school

  • Hicap sections at North Creek and Inglemoor for History and ELA
    • No communication to parents on this from the schools
    • What will the class be called on transcript?
    • Opt out?
    • What will the difference be between the 2 classes?
    • Can students opt-in or will it be only HiCap designated? – No, only designated
    • What about families who didn’t do portfolio review in 8th grade because this class didn’t exist when portfolio review was open
    • What about families coming from other schools who didn’t bring their hicap designation with them?
  • 504s will transition to the new Director of Student Services posisiton

Feeder patterns

  • 2020 alignment with high school feeder patterns?
  • Canyon creek added as EAP site in 2021 when building is finished
  • Maywood feeds into moorlands now, previously at lockwood and woodmoor
  • Westhill feeds into moorlands
  • Transportation has multiple busses going through neighborhoods because schools have been sent to different places for EAP over time
  • EDTF needs to be part of the EAP team to minimize disruptions and maximize bus usage
  • Might want to look at all students out there and see if you can bring them back to home school.
    • Use waiver process to bring kids back rather than forcing them
    • Some families want to stay in placement rather than home school

HiCap advisory will continue with new director and Gaylon Lynch and team.

Hicap Council only

Voting: Motion by alison to extend the nominations to Friday 14th midnight and open voting Sunday morning 16th close voting 21st, Jen seconded it. Unanimously passed.

Currently only


Woodinville HS


Bear Creek




Woodmoor have nominations


Shelton View




North Creek do not